JOIN US AT OUR HIRING EVENT on September 4th from 9a-12pm.

Informed Delivery Promotion

Make your direct mail work harder by engaging your customers through informed delivery and take advantage of a postage discount.

What is informed delivery? Informed Delivery is a free service from USPS that shows customers preview images of incoming mail, as well as status updates about incoming and outbound packages. They can see those notifications in a morning Daily Digest email, or at any time via the dashboard from a phone, computer, or the USPS Mobile® app.

Contact us today to take advantage of the 4% postage discount on your direct mail campaigns.

Benefits of Informed Delivery

Additional impressions

  • 55,000,000 subscribers about 30% of eligible households and growing

Direct link to web landing page

  • Trusted link – clicks add appeal
  • Ride-along can generate ad revenue in some cases (catalogs, coupon packs)

Amazing data available for free

  • Suscribers
  • Email enabled subscribers
  • reminder clickers

ROI of Informed Delivery

  • Informed Delivery boosts response
  • Typical additional impressions 20%
  • Typical CTR .5% of opened emails 10% conversion rate

Campaign ROI Calculation

  • Offer value: $50
  • Response rate 2.5%
  • Responses per 1,000: 25
  • Response value per M: $1,250
  • Additional ID Impressions/M: 200
  • ID additional Impression
    response rate: .25%
  • Addiitional responses per M: .5
  • Additional response value per 1,000: $25
  • Clicks per M: 1
  • Additional click conversions per M: .1
  • Additonal conversion value per 1,000: $5
  • Total additional revinue per M: $30

How The Promotion Works

The Representative Image

  • It must essentially be an outside panel of the mail piece
    Back panel is OK
  • The Address block can be replaced with a message or image
  • Images can be added that enhance the ride-along
  • Light images must have a black border
  • Orient the same way as mail piece

Ride-Along Ads

  • Must include a prominent Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • CTA must occupy 20% of Ride-Along area
  • CTA must have clear contrast
  • CTA cannot encourage “paperless” options
  • Must include target URL

Target URL

  • Web address for clickers
  • Consider offer specific/version specific
  • Must be secure page: https://
    NOT http://
  • Prospects will not see URL
  • Cannot require email address to access site

Eligible Mail Options

  • First-Class Mail™ automation letters, postcards, and flats
  • USPS Marketing Mail™ automation letters and flats
  • USPS Marketing Mail™ DDU-entered Carrier Route
  • Saturation Flats*
  • Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail™ automation letters
    and flats
  • Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail™ DDU-entered Carrier
  • Route Saturation Flats*

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