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9 Direct Mail Statistics to Consider for Your Next Campaign

When it comes to ROI, some channels are more effective than others.

Knowing which channels generate the highest response rates and pair well with other channels is the key to creating a multichannel marketing strategy. For example, recipients of a direct mail campaign purchase 28% more items and spend 28% more than those who do not. Here are nine key statistics you should consider when developing your marketing channel mix.

  1. 41% of direct mail recipients look forward to checking their mailboxes each day. (Source: Gallup)
  2. 73% of American consumers say they prefer being contacted by brands via direct mail because they can read it whenever they want. (Source: Epsilon)
  3. Direct mail offers a 29% return on investment. (Source: Marketing Charts)
  4. Consumers aged 45-54 are the demographic group most likely to respond to direct mail pieces. (Source: Data & Marketing Association)
  5. 80–90% of direct mail gets opened, while only 20–30% of email does. (Source: United States Postal Service)
  6. Only 44% of people can recall a brand immediately after seeing a digital ad compared to 75% of those who receive direct mail. (Source: Marketing Profs)
  7. Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than email. (Source: Ipsos/Canada Post)
  8. Brand recall is 70% higher for consumers exposed to direct mail ads than to digital ads. (Source: Ipsos/Canada Post)
  9. 30% of Millennials say that direct mail is more effective at getting them to take action compared to 24% who say the same of email. (Source: Direct Marketing News)
Want to boost your response rates even further? Combine direct mail with other channels such as email or social media for an even larger impact. Our team can help you get started on your next campaign today to start driving results.

Statistics cited: Small Business Genius

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Reading: 9 Direct Mail Statistics to Consider for Your Next Campaign