Did you know that consumers are at least one-third more likely to make a purchase if the marketing communication is personalized? According to Adobe’s 2019 Brand Content Survey, 51% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase and 34% of consumers are more likely to make an unplanned purchase, specifically, if they are exposed to personalized messaging.
For marketers, these aren’t the only benefits of personalized content. When consumers are exposed to relevant, personalized messaging, they are also more likely to . . .
- become loyal to the brand (49%),
- recommend the brand to others (46%), and
- subscribe to the brand’s channels on social media (44%)
What might consumers do if the content is not relevant? More than one-quarter (26%) say they would stop paying attention to the brand’s messaging, and 26% would be less likely to make a purchase. Consumers also say they would be much less likely to recommend the brand to others, stay loyal to the brand, and 12% might even stop using the brand.
But be careful not to overdo it. Twenty-five percent of respondents said that when messaging is over-personalized, they find it “creepy.” In fact, three out of five say that when personalized content is over the line, they would be less likely to make a purchase.
The line between marketing content that says, “We know you and care about you” and being so personal that it’s uncomfortable can be a delicate one. Consumers want their communications to be relevant, but they don’t want to feel that their privacy is being violated. For example, if someone’s lease is about to expire on the family sedan and you know from third-party data that they recently had a new baby, you might want to say, “Is it time for more leg room? Check out the great new features we are offering on our 2020 minivans!” What you don’t want to say is, “Hey, it looks like your family is expanding! When your lease expires at the end of the month, why not upgrade to a bigger ride?”