Should Your Direct Mail Include a Map or a QR Code That Links to a Map Application?

In a previous blog, we extolled the benefits of including maps on your pieces. We won’t rehash that entirely. In summation, it makes sense to provide directions to your brick and mortar locations, particularly to prospects.

The next question: Which is better – a map or a QR code that links to a map application or a web page?

This question is becoming more prevalent as most smartphone cameras have a QR code scanner built right in. This has really eliminated the hassle associated with using QR codes.

The QR code option can be really handy. By linking to a map application, the consumer can actually navigate to the store. That’s the big plus.

Other things to consider:

  • Issue 1: Not all smartphone users are literate on QR code usage – Using a QR code only could make it harder for this subset to find your store. The modern marketing department staff members, who are typically tech savvy, may not understand the phobias or resistance some folks have to using tools like this.

Suggestion: Consider including both a QR code and a map on the pieces.

  • Issue 2: Do customers really need maps or just prospects? Most of your customers know where you are. So, tying up real estate on pieces going to customers with a map may be a waste of space.

Suggestion: Use variable print logic. Include the map for prospects. For customers, imprint a QR code on their pieces that jumps them to personalized offers or content.

  • Issue 3: Mail is viewed quickly. Scanning a QR code is a secondary step that requires effort. Will that extra effort be a stumbling block to some? Perhaps.

Suggestion: Run a split test on a portion of your mailing to assess impact.

We haven’t seen any hard data on this yet but know some people who are testing. Check back in a few weeks and we’ll share what we know.

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Reading: Should Your Direct Mail Include a Map or a QR Code That Links to a Map Application?