Study: Cross-Channel Marketing Use Doubles

Cross-channel marketing is critical.

If you’re wondering whether it’s worth the effort to expand the number of marketing channels you are using and invest in deeper integration between them, just take a look at the data.

  • According to a study just released by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Winterberry Group (April 2017), nearly 60% of U.S. digital marketing and media practitioners now engage in cross-channel marketing. This is up from 33% one year ago.
  • It’s no wonder. SailThru finds that 72% of consumers would rather connect with brands and businesses through multi-channel, and in a B2C environment, multi-channel B2C campaigns realize a 24% greater return on investment.  Multichannel shoppers also spend 3x more than single channel shoppers.
  • Not surprisingly, marketers are increasing the number of channels they use. More than half (52%) of marketers now use 3-4 marketing channels. This is up from 44% of marketers one year earlier (DMA).
  • Here’s another 52% statistic you should know—52% of multichannel marketers say they “usually” or “always” hit their financial targets! (CMO by Adobe)

Want to be among them? Here are some of the channels you should be integrating:

  • Print
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Web
  • Events
  • Mobile
  • Out-of-home
  • Video

The trick isn’t simply using more channels, however. It’s not about volume—it’s about strategy. It’s about integrating the right channels at the right time to reach the right prospects on the channels they use most.

This can be daunting, especially if you have limited resources to invest. The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. Let PrintComm help you navigate the multichannel world and create campaigns that use the right mix of channels for your products, target audience, and marketing goals.

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Reading: Study: Cross-Channel Marketing Use Doubles