Direct mail (DM) marketing is a powerful tool for reaching customers, but its effectiveness can vary from one geographic market to another. At PrintComm, we understand that not all markets are created equal, and unlocking the secrets behind this phenomenon requires a...
Random Handwriting Fonts Can Boost Open Rates
In the world of direct mail, anything that can increase response or open rates matters. We know marketers like you are constantly seeking ways to stand out in a crowded mailbox. That's why we're excited to announce the addition of another MPS inserter to our arsenal....
Why You Should Be Using Customer Segmentation Targeting
Customer segmentation targeting is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a company's target audience into different groups or segments based on common characteristics such as demographics, psychographics, or behavior. The purpose of customer segmentation...
How Data Science Is Changing the Direct Mail Game
Data science has had a significant impact on the effectiveness of direct mail marketing campaigns in recent years. In the past, direct mail campaigns were often based on limited information about the target audience, and the messages and offers in the mail pieces were...
Using Data to Build Customer Relationships
As marketers, we are surrounded by data. From in-house customer information to third-party data that rounds out customers’ demographic and behavioral profiles, we have more data at our fingertips than ever. According to InvestPro, brands that use data-driven marketing...
How Direct Mail Plays a Vital Role in Customer Relationship Management
With an increase in options for consumers in many industries and inflation on the rise, customer relationship management matters more than ever. Direct mail can play a profitable role in your CRM strategy and excels versus digital strategies in several compelling...
Here’s What Marketers Need to Look at When Targeting Hard To Reach Segments
Retail marketing leaders are doing an excellent job using segmentation models for their prospects and client base. They use this information to customize marketing messages, offers, and loyalty program benefits. This modeled insight has created an odd realization. In...
What matters more? Marketing ROI or Cash
Marketing has truly evolved into a data-driven business function, justifying the fact that we all get a B.S. degree rather than a B.A. With the pervasiveness of digital marketing, our obsession with data has reached new heights. But have we flown so high that we are...
The Largest Limit to Your Business’ Growth
As a business leader, when you strive to grow a business, contemplating the number of barriers can make growth feel unattainable. Scaling up requires us to consider all issues. Do we have enough employees? Can we keep up the needed service level? Do we have the proper...
The Metric That Matters In Customer Acquisition
Most of us would agree that marketing is an investment. We spend money and we expect ROI. We’re willing to do some testing to find something new that might work better, but by and large we want to make money or acquire a lead or move someone through the funnel with...