Why Online Retailers Are Hitting Home Runs with Direct Mail

2020 dramatically accelerated the pace of ecommerce. Many direct to consumer brands, who typically rely on digital marketing to build their audience and drive sales, incorporated more direct mail as part of their omni channel marketing strategy. One home service brand...

Using Data to Build Customer Relationships

As marketers, we are surrounded by data. From in-house customer information to third-party data that rounds out customers’ demographic and behavioral profiles, we have more data at our fingertips than ever. According to InvestPro, brands that use data-driven marketing...

5 Tips for Successful Database Marketing

Five elements commonly underpin the marketing strategies of great direct marketers. How many of these strategies are you using? 1. Centralized Database Top marketers have centralized databases that integrate the data stored throughout their organizations. This...

Want to Sell More? Start a Compelling Conversation

Your customer communications, whether print, email, or mobile, are the face of your business. If your conversation isn’t meaningful, your products never get noticed. That’s why making the customer central to every interaction is critical to your success. Here are five...