
Do You Know These 9 Buyer Types?

Do You Know These 9 Buyer Types?

Do you know who your buyers are? Are they trailblazers? Status seekers? Do they play it safe? Different messaging appeals to different customer segments, so it’s helpful to know which categories your customers fall into. Here are 9 different segments created by...

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Getting to Know Your Audience

Getting to Know Your Audience

Print and digital personalization start with data. Whether you are using direct mail, email, or mobile, your customers want your marketing communications to be tailored to their interests and needs. So how do you do it? As with any relationship, it starts by asking...

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5 Steps to Customer Loyalty

5 Steps to Customer Loyalty

What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of commitment that makes customers stick with you, even when your competitors become more aggressive, and price competition intensifies? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Profile your customers. Customers...

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Re-energize Your Mail with These Ideas

Re-energize Your Mail with These Ideas

Is your target audience tuning out your mailings because you’re sending the same campaign over and over?  Maybe it’s time to mix things up. Here are five ideas to get people responding to your direct mailings again. 1. Change your offer. Your offers can get stale...

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5 Ideas for Customer Retention

5 Ideas for Customer Retention

While gaining the attention of new prospects is becoming increasingly difficult, retaining the customers you do have is becoming more important to maintaining or increasing your bottom line.  However, continually coming up with new ways to use print, email, and...

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Customer Loyalty Strategies You Need to Consider!

Customer Loyalty Strategies You Need to Consider!

What is Your Current Customer Loyalty or Retention Plan? Customer loyalty is challenging to gain, but easy to lose. Today, customers have a very different perspective of what defines a positive customer experience compared to twenty years ago—and it only takes one...

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PrintComm’s Article on Franchisee Opt-In

PrintComm’s Article on Franchisee Opt-In

Note: This article was featured in Franchising World for their December 2017 Issue. If you would like to review the published digital version, you can do that here. Keys to Obtaining Franchisee Opt-In on Your Direct Mail Programs If you want to make direct mail...

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Make Print Collateral Direct Response Vehicles

Make Print Collateral Direct Response Vehicles

Direct response marketing has one goal — make the reader take immediate action. Are your current pieces accomplishing that? Do you use a lot of print collateral? If yes, how many of those print collateral pieces act as a lead generator or effectively nurture leads? If...

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