5 Psychological Marketing Principles to Engage Customers

While every buyer is unique, there are certain principles about human behavior that marketers should know. Implementing these principles in their direct mail and digital marketing strategies has helped countless marketers sell more products. Ross Kimbarovsky, founder...

During Times of Uncertainty, Market Like a Leader

In today’s “new normal” created by the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be challenging to know how to strike the right balance when it comes to marketing. Many brands are keeping a low profile, waiting for a surge in consumer confidence before restarting their direct mail...

5 Tips for Marketing During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty for everyone, including buyers. But this doesn’t mean that people aren’t making purchases. It just means that your marketing should reflect higher sensitivity to the overall challenges they might be facing. Let’s look at...

Marketing Activities that Bear Fruit in the Current Environment

When consumers tighten their belts, it’s time to get even more serious about marketing. Why? Because the investments you make now could pay big dividends, not just in the immediate term, but down the road. Here are three ways you should be investing in your marketing...

5 Steps to Customer Loyalty

What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of commitment that makes customers stick with you, even when your competitors become more aggressive, and price competition intensifies? Here are some tips from the experts. 1. Profile your customers. Customers...