Your Greatest Marketing Asset

Quick! If you had to identify the most important component of your marketing, what would you say? Did you say your mailing list? Let’s look at some basic steps you should be taking regularly to keep your list in top shape. 1. Address correction. If you do bulk...

5 Keys to Customer Acquisition

Companies can’t survive and grow without continually acquiring new customers. There are many ways to acquire new customers, but one rises above the rest: direct mail. Not the answer you were expecting? Here’s why this channel is so powerful when acquiring new...

Before You Personalize Your Marketing, Do This!

Want to rock the results of your next marketing campaign? Define your segments and clean your data before you personalize! What do we mean by that? We mean understanding what your customers look like as demographic or psychographic groups before you send targeted...

5 Benefits to Having an Up-to-Date Mailing List

Every marketing dollar counts in direct mail campaigns. You don’t want to be printing, folding, and mailing to inaccurate or nonexistent addresses or to people who haven’t lived at an address in years. Investing in your mailing list can pay off big. Here are five...