Stronger Together
You know those movies in which two competing heroes suddenly realize they can do more when they work together? They join forces and save the world...
Marketing Activities that Bear Fruit in the Current Environment
When consumers tighten their belts, it’s time to get even more serious about marketing. Why? Because the investments you make now could pay big...
Targeted Direct Mail Campaign for Chains with Hundreds of Stores
Here's how we work with companies that have hundreds of stores to create and execute highly effective targeted direct mail campaigns for each one of...
5 Multichannel Marketing Stats and Action Items to Increase Your ROI
Multichannel marketing campaigns are much more effective than single-channel campaigns. It allows your to speak directly to your customers and...
Want to Sell More? Increase your drip marketing campaigns!
Drip marketing is a powerful lead nurturing tool for companies who have longer term sales cycles. Often these involve higher value purchases with...
Make It Personal: How to Create Highly Effective Personalized Marketing Pieces
It used to be that personalizing your marketing, whether digitally or in print, was something that made you stand out. It was something your...
Use Personas for Creating High-Converting Direct Mail Campaigns
If you want to convince a hungry family to buy pizza instead of burgers, price and opportunity might be sufficient motivators to get them to switch....
Rethinking Your Target Audience
How well do you know your target audience? Wait! Don’t answer that. It’s a trick question. If you started to answer, you might have a targeting...
What to Expect From a Best-in-Class Direct Mail Provider
Whether you’ve been running direct mail campaigns for years or you’re just getting started, here are five things you should expect from your direct...
Get More from Your Print Budget with Retargeting
You make a significant investment in your print marketing. Yet even with the most targeted campaign, sometimes you don’t get the return on...
Why Does Channel Selection Matter?
When it comes to choosing marketing channels, marketers can make many assumptions. Millennials always want digital, the Silent Generation wants...
3 Ways to Sell More to Existing Customers
Think you have to go out and drum up new customers in order to increase your sales? Prospecting is an important tool for revenue generation,...
Your Greatest Marketing Asset
Quick! If you had to identify the most important component of your marketing, what would you say? Did you say your mailing list? Let’s look at some...
5 Keys to Customer Acquisition
Companies can’t survive and grow without continually acquiring new customers. There are many ways to acquire new customers, but one rises above the...
Want More Holiday Sales? Start Earlier.
Ever wondered why that beautifully printed holiday direct mailer or creatively designed email blast didn’t work as well as you’d hoped? Was it the...
How to Make Your Direct Mail More Effective – Test, Test, Test
So you’ve started personalizing your direct mail campaigns. But how do you know if your efforts are effective? Are you using the right data points?...
Before You Personalize Your Marketing, Do This!
Want to rock the results of your next marketing campaign? Define your segments and clean your data before you personalize! What do we mean by that?...
Three Data Points That Pack a Punch
Only have a person’s name and address? That’s all you need! There are three highly effective approaches to personalization that you can deploy with...