5 Tips for Successful Database Marketing

Five elements commonly underpin the marketing strategies of great direct marketers. How many of these strategies are you using? 1. Centralized Database Top marketers have centralized databases that integrate the data stored throughout their organizations. This...

4 Steps to Effective Targeting

When creating any direct mail or email campaign, smart targeting strategies set you up for the win. While marketers tend to plan for great results by focusing on the right message, offer, and call to action, they can improve their results even more by planning...

5 Strategies to Achieve High Quality Data

Great marketing starts with high-quality data, but to get great results, that data must be a resource you can trust. How do you make sure that you can trust the information you are working with? 1. Review your current data. The first thing you need to do is review the...

How to Segment Your Data for Maximum Results

The key to direct marketing effectiveness is sending the right offer to the right person at the right time.  Segmentation help you achieve this. It is the process of dividing your customers or potential customers into groups, or segments, based on their...

Marketing Activities that Bear Fruit in the Current Environment

When consumers tighten their belts, it’s time to get even more serious about marketing. Why? Because the investments you make now could pay big dividends, not just in the immediate term, but down the road. Here are three ways you should be investing in your marketing...