JOIN US AT OUR HIRING EVENT on September 4th from 9a-12pm.

Why Does Channel Selection Matter?

When it comes to choosing marketing channels, marketers can make many assumptions. Millennials always want digital, the Silent Generation wants print, but the reality is often far different. As marketers, if we don’t pay attention to how consumers want to engage with...

Lifetime Customer Value: The Real Measure of Success

How do you measure the success of your marketing campaigns? Do you measure it by the initial sales? Marketers often run a campaign, then measure how well it worked by how much revenue it generated right away. But the value of a customer comes from more than the...

Getting to Know Your Audience

Print and digital personalization start with data. Whether you are using direct mail, email, or mobile, your customers want your marketing communications to be tailored to their interests and needs. So how do you do it? As with any relationship, it starts by asking...